It is a Montreal based online dubstep radio started by a few friends of mine a couple of days ago.. only 5 ppl listen to it right now but oh well... music is music.
Cyan Sector is one of my bros, he's got some talent. he is an up and coming dj/producer. his ep was featured here.. not bad for a new guy.
is that the one you were talking about a couple posts back?
if so, good job.
i also got laid with 2 different partners in 2 weeks. funny thing is that one of them is the best friend of some bitch who hates me for no reason. yay!
so... ugh... today i did some tunnel blasting. people here dont like noise they were claxoning like monkeys. that is way more annoying than a loud exaust note.
my personal deadline is on september 1st. On that day i will dish out from my own money what i need to reach my goal, be it 1$ or 600$. and its ok blueflame, never said you were forced to!
on the 14th of september untill the 16th, i will be participating in the 48h of biking @Circuit Gilles villeneuve for a fundraising event for the make a wish fundation. i have set myself a quite low goal, but it is quite high considering i started working 2 weeks ago and that i am a student. that is why i come here to the interwebz to ask for your help, if i could get 600 people to donate 1$ each, that would be great. anyway, whatever amount of money you guys donate to me, i will make sure to try to give out of my pocket what is remaining to complete my goal. i might even surpass it. only time will tell..
Cher visiteur, je vous souhaite la bienvenue dans ma page de collecte de fonds. Je m'apelle Patricio, je suis un etudiant qui veut que le monde soit egal et que ceux qui n'ont pas les moyens aient les memes chances de reussir que moi. C'est pour cette raison que j'ai decide de participer aux 48 heures de velo sur le legendaire Circuit Gilles Villeneuve.Comme je n'ai jamais participe a un evenement de cette grandeur, j'ai vraiment hate de rouler avec d'autres personnes qui ont peut etre le meme but que moi. Je ne demande pas beauoup pour les donations, peu importe le montant que vous donnez, sa aide a la cause.
Merci d'avance!
Dear visitor, I welcome you have reached my fundraising page. My name is Patricio, I am a student who wants the world to be equal and wants to give an equal chance of success than I do to those who do not have the means. That's why I decided to participate in 48 hours of biking at the legendary Circuit Gilles Villeneuve . I have never participated in an event of this magnitude,I am really stoked to ride with others who may share same goal as me. Donate how much ou want, it will help those in need.